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Will /Estate Planning Plan

  1. Initial Consultation

    • Discuss the client's wishes and objectives.

    • Review current assets, liabilities, and family structure.

    • Discuss potential beneficiaries and their needs.

    • Address any specific concerns or unique circumstances.

  2. Drafting the Will

    • Introduction: Declare the document as the last will and testament and identify the testator.

    • Revocation of Previous Wills: State that any prior wills are revoked.

    • Appointment of Executor: Name the person or institution responsible for administering the estate.

    • Distribution of Assets: Specify how assets will be distributed among beneficiaries.

    • Guardianship: If applicable, name a guardian for minor children.

    • Specific Bequests: Detail any specific gifts, such as jewelry, art, or real estate.

    • Residual Estate: Designate the distribution of any remaining assets after specific bequests.

    • Alternate Provisions: Address scenarios if primary beneficiaries predecease the testator.

    • Signatures: The will must be signed by the testator and witnessed by at least two individuals.

  3. Drafting the Codicil

    • This package includes the drafting of one codicil.

    • A codicil is a document that amends, rather than replaces, a previously executed will.

    • Specify which provisions of the original will are being changed.

    • Detail the new provisions.

    • Like the original will, the codicil must be signed and witnessed.

  4. Registering the Will

    • We will handle the registration of the will, ensuring it's filed with the appropriate local court or governmental body.

    • Ensure the will is stored in a safe and accessible place, such as a safe deposit box or with the attorney.

  5. Review & Update

    • Regularly review the will and codicil, especially after major life events like marriage, birth of a child, or acquisition of significant assets.

    • If substantial changes are needed in the future, consider drafting a new will rather than adding multiple codicils.

  6. Finalizing the Package

    • Provide the client with copies of all documents.

    • Offer guidance on informing executors and beneficiaries about their roles and the contents of the will.

    • Discuss the importance of keeping the will updated and the process for making future changes.

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